Saturday, August 3, 2013

It's a Yah Lah Life!

Street near our place

I've been planning to put up this blog since everything about being an overseas worker and living a life in a different country sinked in to me.  It was almost a year ago.  But just like the same old me, I always find it hard to publish my very first post.

It is not easy to cope with a new culture.  Though I'm still around other Asians, there's a lot of difference.  I've been struggling since I went here, and all I could do is try to enjoy whatever God has in store for me in this foreign land.

In this blog you will see my life at work, at home, around Singapore.  Hopefully, this would help those who:

1. Are here and are also struggling like me;

2. Are not here and do not understand what kind of life Filipinos have here;

3. Are not here and are planning to go here; and

4. Are here and would like to share their experiences with us.

And before I start populating my blog, I would like to list down some notes to myself so not to start any conflicts:

1. No racist comments and statements, please.

2. You are not speaking for EVERY Filipino here in Singapore.

3. Try not to generalize as much as you can.

4. Good vibes should always be there!

So there, I think I'm all set to start my Yah Lah Diary!

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